Visit The Center for Baptist Studies' Web Site at www.mercer.edu/baptiststudies |
Produced by The Center for Baptist Studies, Mercer University Walter B. Shurden, Executive Editor, The Baptist Studies Bulletin Bruce T. Gourley, Editor, The Baptist Studies Bulletin Wil Platt, Associate Editor, The Baptist Studies Bulletin |
I Believe . . . : Walter B. Shurden "The Single Most Important Christian Practice" The Baptist Soapbox: John Boyd "Tommy Douglas: Baptist Minister, Greatest Canadian" History of the Baptist World Alliance: Richard V. Pierard "Origins of the Baptist World Alliance" Baptists, the Bible, and the Poor: Charles E. Poole "A Hedge Against Horn Blowing" Focus on Collegiate Ministry: Bruce Gourley "Listening for the Future"
BSB Book Review:
War or Words? Inter-Religious Dialogue
as an Instrument of Peace, edited Reviewed by E. Glenn Hinson Dates to Note: Upcoming Events
Visit our website for regularly-updated "News and Views"
Note: You are free
to duplicate and circulate the articles in BSB or to use quotations |
I Believe |
"The Single Most Important Christian Practice" By Walter B. Shurden
Marcus Borg, New Testament scholar, spoke truth when he wrote, "In my
judgment, the single most important [Christian] practice is to be part of
a congregation that nourishes you even as it stretches you." Borg, the
liberal theologian who can write scholarly books on abstruse subjects,
made this simple, practical statement in his wonderful book, The Heart
of Christianity. I am very grateful for scholars such as Marcus Borg
who not only write about "church" but who actually "do" church in a local
setting. I am as suspicious of Christian theologians who don’t burrow down
in a local Christian fellowship as I am physicians who hate the smell of
Dietrich Bonhoeffer burrowed down, living what he wrote about in Life Together. But he gave us warning: "Just as God desires to lead us to a knowledge of genuine Christian fellowship," he wrote, "so surely must we be overwhelmed by a great disillusionment with others, with Christians in general, and, if we are fortunate, with ourselves (27)." We cannot "be part of a congregation that nourishes . . . even as it stretches" if we want perfection in church; perfection is not available in church, not even among those who claim it. My local church is the First Baptist Church of Christ of Macon, GA. It’s imperfect. It is for me, however, a church that both "nourishes" and "stretches." To be nourished without being stretched creates Christian flabbiness. To be stretched without being nourished creates Christian weaklings. What nourishes and stretches me at the First Baptist Church of Christ in Macon? The building! While I know it is "prophetic" in some quarters to minimize beautiful sacred space, I am inspired by our old semi-Gothic sanctuary with its stained glass windows. I am also spiritually enriched by our worship. Some would call it "traditional," but in truth it is "almost but not quite liturgical." The pulpit at our church speaks sense and it challenges. That nourishes me a lot. While I am, unfortunately, musically challenged, the sanctuary choir makes me want to hold up signs at the end of each anthem with a "10" on them. Suspicious of clappers in church, I find myself giving our choir a standing ovation in my heart. Just the sight of certain people in our fellowship nourishes and challenges me. The Sunday School class where my wife and I teach and listen and learn, "Adult, Too," we call it, is also a most nourishing and strengthening spot in our church fellowship. The First Baptist Church of Christ at Macon: nourishing and stretching! That’s something I am grateful for as I begin 2005. I wish for you such a church in 2005. Read below about Tommy Douglas, nurtured in a local
Baptist church and voted the "Greatest Canadian." Read below how local Baptist churches worked
together to form the Baptist World Alliance. Read below about how local Baptist churches need to
follow Catholic Thomas Merton’s sage advice. Read below about how Baptist churches must not
forsake the mission field of the contemporary college campus. Read below about how Baptist churches must learn to live as Christians in a pluralistic world. And visit our website for a new section that we are calling "For the Local Church." We pledge to work harder to help local churches become places that nourish and stretch. |
The Baptist Soapbox: Invited guests speak up and out on things Baptist (therefore, the views expressed in this space are not necessarily those of The Baptist Studies Bulletin, though sometimes they are). Climbing upon the Soapbox this month is John E. Boyd, the Senior Minister at First Baptist Church Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. John was a Center for Baptist Studies Newman Scholar in October, 2004.
"Tommy Douglas: Baptist Minister, Greatest Canadian"
By John Boyd
In the fall of 2004 the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation launched a series
called The Greatest Canadian, loosely based on the "American Idol"
program so popular in the United States. After some initial voting, the Top
Ten were selected and each was given a one hour biography hosted by a well
known personality promoting the individual’s credentials as "Greatest
Canadian." Canadians were invited to vote for their favorite by telephone,
instant messaging or through the CBC website. |
History of the Baptist World Alliance: The Baptist World Alliance is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. Richard V. Pierard is Stephen Phillips Professor of History, Gordon College, Wenham, Massachusetts and Professor of History, Emeritus, Indiana State University. The author of numerous books and articles, Dick is the general editor of the upcoming Baptists Together! 1905-2005: Centennial History of the Baptist World Alliance. Learned and well traveled, he is an ecumenical Christian with firm Baptist convictions.
"Origins of the Baptist World Alliance"By Richard V. Pierard
This is the first in a series of six essays reflecting on the history of the Baptist World Alliance. The theme will be “Ecumenism Baptist-syle.” With a membership comprising 211 Baptist unions and conventions on all six continents, the BWA is the only organization that represents the global Baptist community. This year it celebrates its centennial at the Baptist World Congress in Birmingham, England, July 27-31. Readers need to have a better understanding of this agency that has done so much over the years to promote cooperation among Baptists everywhere, while at the same upholding the individuality and independence of each constituent body, and perhaps some of you will decide to attend the Congress as well. It’s a “y’all come” event. By the mid-nineteenth century Baptists had developed into a socially diverse and geographically widespread movement. It was only natural that a desire would arise for some sort of unity that would enable them to carry out more effectively the divine mandate to preach the gospel. John Rippon, in the 1790s, and Francis Wayland, in 1824, first broached the idea of international cooperation by Baptists, and in the later nineteenth century several other denominations, most notably the Anglican/Episcopalians, Methodists, Presbyterians and Congregationalists, actually created mechanisms for doing so. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, there were more contacts and cooperation between the Northern and Southern Baptists than many realize. Comity agreements had been worked out and both participated in two Baptist ecumenical ventures – the General Convention of the Baptists of North America, which held large inspirational gatherings in 1905 and 1907, and the [American] Baptist Congresses, annual meetings that occurred between 1882 and 1914. At the latter a wide range of issues were discussed and papers presented that were later published. The participants were a “who’s who” of Baptist life, and the Congresses were quite inclusive, attracting Northern, Southern, African American, and Canadian Baptists. Who actually came up with the idea for a world alliance is a matter of contention. Two Southern Baptist preacher-journalists both claim credit: R. H. Pitt of the Virginia Religious Herald and J. N Prestridge of the Baptist Argus in Kentucky. In 1895, prompted by Richmond pastor William W. Landrum, Pitt called for convening a “Pan-Baptist Council,” but he did not follow through on this. In 1904 Southern Seminary scholar, A. T. Robertson, dropped the idea of a world conference in his column in the Argus. Prestridge immediately adopted it as his own and launched a feverish campaign to generate interest.
Northern and Southern Baptists alike jumped on
the bandwagon, and their efforts evoked a favorable response in England.
Baptist Union leaders J. H. Shakespeare and W. T. Whitley then worked with
their American counterparts to organize a Baptist world congress in London in
July 1905. They hoped to transform this one-time celebration into a lasting
institution, and at the conclusion the delegates voted to form the Baptist
World Alliance. A constitution was adopted, voluntary leaders stepped
forward, and the organization was up and running. |
Baptists, the Bible, and the Poor: Charles E. Poole is a Baptist minister with Lifeshare Community Ministries in Jackson, Mississippi where he delights in ministering alongside the poor. "Chuck" Poole, a provocative preacher and servant pastor, served Baptist churches for twenty-five years. Among the churches he has served are First Baptist Church, Macon, GA, First Baptist Church, Washington, DC, and Northminster Baptist Church, Jackson, MS.
"A Hedge Against Horn Blowing"By Charles E. Poole
Focus on Collegiate
Ministry: As the moderate Baptist movement
continues to grow and expand, emphasis on collegiate ministry is slowly taking
shape at a time when traditional Baptist Student Union / Baptist Campus
Ministry models are facing unprecedented challenges. This series, featuring
writers who know Baptist collegiate ministry, focuses on the future of
moderate Baptist collegiate ministry. This month's contributor is Bruce
Gourley, Associate Director of The Center for Baptist Studies, and former
longtime campus minister in Montana. "Listening for the Future" By Bruce T. Gourley The "must-have" Christmas item during this past holiday season was the Apple iPod, a handheld electronic digital music device that is all the rage among today's college crowd. Apple Computer simply could not make enough of these tiny computers to meet demand during the holiday shopping season. Although fads come and go among the younger generations, the recent trend to personal electronic devices (cell phone, iPods, and PDAs) and instant messaging reflects a much larger reality of the 21st century: the world is now available at our fingertips 24/7, and we receive news around the world as it happens.
As if this were not enough, computer scientists are now researching the
integration of computers with the human brain. Within a few years, the
average American will have the opportunity to have all of his or her words and
actions recorded on personal hard drives. For their part, many college students seem to be purposefully avoiding silence and introspection, instead finding comfort in a 24/7 wired world of virtual non-stop digital communication with friends, the few gaps being filled by digital music. Against this backdrop, traditional "church" means little to nothing in the lives of the younger generation, as reflected by the "graying" of many once-vibrant congregations and the oft-repeated lament that even churched youth know less and less about the Bible. One could rightly say that each generation of young people in America has represented a crucial crossroad for Baptists. The statistics tell us that since the early 1970s, the number of youth involved in Baptist life has been on a steady decline. Today, sounding the warning cry of "We must reach America's youth!" is not unlike the "boy who cried wolf:" we've heard the warning so often that we merely shrug and go back to business as usual. Yet I wish to suggest that it is time to cast aside our apathy and listen to today's college students. I mean really listen, not just act politely towards them. As it now stands, they are not listening to us because we do not listen to them. They have given up on us truly understanding them. Instead they are enmeshed with their digitized peers in a world that is half-virtual and half-real, an organic community that knows no geographical boundaries, yet struggles with relationships, emotions, career and spiritual matters. Within the crucible of peer influences and the complexities of modern society, most students emerge from the turbulent college years with a spiritual foundation – or lack thereof – which influences them for the rest of their lives. Campus ministers are our traditional link to the world of college students, a model that is increasingly challenged by 21st century culture and fractured by the Baptist controversy. More and more local churches are hiring collegiate ministers, even as traditional Baptist Student Union / Baptist Campus Ministry programs are being scaled back in many states. We are faced with many questions: How do we best listen to college students? Where should collegiate ministry be done? What are the most effective collegiate ministry models today? How do we raise awareness of collegiate ministry needs? What kind of training does today's collegiate minister need? How do we fund collegiate ministry?
These questions arise at a critical time: many college students in America
view Baptists in a negative light, and the vast majority of today's Baptist
students have little to no interest in being Baptist. Yet I believe that
the Baptist traditions of free and open inquiry into the scriptures, religious
liberty, diversity, soul competency, and Christ-centered community will
resonate with 21st century college students if we, as a community of faith, take
the time to listen and make the effort to respond in an
intentional, personal and meaningful fashion. |
Book Review |
BSB Book Review: BSB presents a review of War or Words? Inter-Religious Dialogue as an Instrument of Peace, edited by Donald W. Musser and D. Dixon Sutherland. E. Glenn Hinson,
Professor Emeritus of Baptist
Theological Seminary in Richmond, Senior Professor of Church History and
Spirituality at Baptist Seminary of Kentucky, Visiting Professor of Church
History at Lexington Theological Seminary, and Adjunct Professor of Church
History at Louisville Presbyterian Seminary, reviews
War or Words? No issue is of greater moment to persons everywhere on our shrinking globe than resolving tensions between Christians and Muslims. In this significant book Donald Musser and Dixon Sutherland, both of Stetson University, have enlisted a highly competent group of scholars who explore issues and obstacles to dialogue between religions and offer some suggestions for moving toward such dialogue. The symposium makes a Hans Küng epigraph its starting point: “No world peace without peace between the religions. No peace between the religions without dialogue between the religions.” In the lead article Küng himself tries to set forth a new paradigm of international relations. He speaks hopefully on the basis of models already at work about bringing Christians, Jews, and Muslims together to work toward this paradigm. Two fundamental principles should guide the relations between nations and religions: humane treatment of people everywhere and following the Golden Rule. In the first group of essays four articles explore “Issues in the Dialogue between Religions.” Martin L. Cook argues that dialogue between religions must include a frank discussion of the traditional Christian “just war” theory as it relates to a very different challenge in terrorism. John Kelsay highlights the importance of understanding the Muslim concept of Shiriah, the approved method of interpreting the Q’ran, if Christians and Muslims are to have meaningful dialogue. He contends that Osama bin Laden and others violate accepted methods. From a Jewish standpoint Steven Leonard Jacobs calls for a shift in Christian attitudes from the triumphalism which led to the Holocaust to an attitude of humility and repentance. Dixon Sutherland, Donald Musser, and Daniel Pachalla warn that the connection between religion and foreign policy in the Bush administration, which is rooted in premillenial dispensationalism, poses grave dangers to peace between religions and nations. Charles Kimball, Valarie Ziegler, Daniel Bell, Jr., and John Mohawk explore further serious obstacles to religious dialogue. Kimball points a finger at fundamentalism with its absolute claims to truth located exclusively in fundamentalists’ texts and traditions. Dogmatism precludes dialogue. Ziegler explores the effects of sexism and insists that dialogue between religions must confront the problem of injustices done to women, though women must address their own “warrior” tendencies. Bell elucidates ways in which economic injustice obstructs dialogue for peace, charging that unbridled capitalism and market control by American corporations constitute one form of terrorism, especially in Latin America. Mohawk examines ways in which utopian ideals buried in religious consciousness have produced gross violence, e.g., in the Crusades of the Middle Ages, Nazism, and missionary expansion tied to colonialism. The final articles give two steps which religions might take to move away from violence and toward peace. Maria Isasi-Diaz underscores the necessity of both oppressed and oppressors assuming an attitude of reconciliation and dealing openly with past offenses. There is no room for revenge. Instead, there must be “a mystique of reconciliation.” Dominic Crossan proposes that the religions adopt a different aphorism for peace than the one on which the nations now seem to operate. “Not peace through victory, but peace through justice.” Readers of the Baptist Studies Bulletin will find here an excellent resource for school and church groups concerned about the future of humankind. |
Note |
Dates to Note
February 8-9, Harry Vaughan Smith Lectures, Newton Chapel, Mercer University, Macon, GA. Speaker: William E. Hull. Topic: "Jesus as Superstar," with lectures on Dan Brown's The DaVinci Code and Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ. For more information, go to www.mercer.edu/calendar.
February 21-23, William H. Self Preaching Lectures, Cecil B. Day Hall, Mercer University, McAfee School of Theology, Atlanta, GA. Speaker: Joanna M. Adams, pastor of Morningside Presbyterian Church. Topic: "To Speak of God: The Challenge and Purpose of Preaching." For more information, go to www.mercer.edu/calendar.
February 23-26, "Current" Young Leaders Retreat, First Baptist Church, Asheville, NC. Contact mmcoy@thefellowship.info.
February 25-26, Mainstream Baptist Network Convocation, Atlanta, GA. Theme: "Envisioning a New Day in Baptist Life." For more information and to register, go to www.mainstreambaptists.org/events/convocation4.htm.
March 4-5, CBF of Georgia General Assembly, First Baptist Church, Rome, GA. Dr. Charles E. Poole, speaker. For more information go to www.cbfga.org.
June 2 - 4, Baptist History and Heritage Society Annual Meeting. Samford University, Birmingham, Alabama. Theme: "Women in Baptist History."
June 30 - July 1, CBF National General Assembly. Gaylord Texan Resort and Convention Center, Grapevine, TX.
27-31, 2005, Centennial Congress of the Baptist World Alliance,
Birmingham, England. To register email
Congress@bwanet.org , phone 703.790.8980, or
fax 703.893.5160. |
Baptist Myths: A New Pamphlet Series A
series of eleven pamphlets that address negative perceptions held towards
Baptists in popular American culture. These pamphlets are suitable for
individual study, church classes, and academic courses. They are jointly
published by the Baptist History and Heritage Society, The Center for Baptist
Studies of Mercer University, and the Whitsitt Baptist Heritage Society.
Editor: Doug Weaver; Associate Editors: Charles W. Deweese & Walter B.
Shurden. |
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