2006 Vol. 5 No. 6 |
A Monthly Emagazine, Bridging Baptists
Yesterday and Today |
This issue of
the Baptist Studies Bulletin is dedicated to R. Kirby Godsey, who
this month retires from Mercer University, having served as
president since 1979. The longest-serving president in Mercer's
history, Godsey's support was instrumental in founding The Center
for Baptist Studies and initiating publication of the Baptist
Studies Bulletin, now in its fifth year of circulation. |
by The Center for Baptist Studies, Mercer University
Visit The Center for Baptist
Studies' Web Site at
Walter B. Shurden, Executive Editor, The
Baptist Studies Bulletin
Bruce T. Gourley, Editor, The
Baptist Studies Bulletin
Wil Platt, Associate Editor, The Baptist Studies
Table of
I Believe . . .
: Walter B. Shurden
Toast to Raleigh Kirby Godsey"
The Baptist Soapbox: R. Kirby Godsey
Power of the Baptist Idea"
BSB Book Review Special:
Centering Our Souls: Devotional
Reflections of a
University President
by R. Kirby Godsey
by Melissa Rogers
Creative Ministries in the Local Baptist Church:
Devita Parnell and
Alysha Keyser
Ministries in Local Baptist Churches in Georgia"
Baptists, the Bible,
and the Poor: Charles E.
"Longing to Change the Church We Love"
In Response To . . .
: Bruce T. Gourley
"In Response to . . . Kevin Phillips and Sam Brownback
on Theocracy"
Dates to Note
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Believe |
"A Toast to Raleigh Kirby Godsey"
By Walter B. Shurden
I believe . . .
that R. Kirby Godsey has proved himself to be
Baptists’ premier educational leader in North America for the last quarter of
a century. On the last day of this month he will conclude twenty seven
incomparable years as president of Mercer University.
As he leaves the
presidential office I toast that part of Dr. Godsey without which I think he
would not be completing his sterling career.
I toast not his
brilliant mind that has acquired four graduate degrees (including one Ph.D. in
theology and another in philosophy), produced three books, and written numerous
articles and hundreds of speeches.
I toast not his
visionary leadership that has changed the face of Mercer University in Macon
and Atlanta and the place of Mercer University in higher education in America.
I toast not his
relational skills that can speak to a first year student as authentically and
comfortably as he can to a millionaire donor.
I toast not his
indefatigable work ethic that has been a challenge as well as a model for all
who work with him.
I toast not his
civic spirit and his dynamic leadership in helping the Macon, Georgia
community leaders to think bigger and better.
I toast not his
uncanny practical mind, a mind that knows how to lead people to get from A to
I toast not his
golden rhetorical skills, with which he has led and defended the University
for these twenty-seven years.
As Kirby Godsey
leaves the presidency of Mercer University, I toast the deeply inward and
devotional side of the man. Candidly, I toast his SOUL.
Scratch Kirby Godsey very deeply and he will bleed ole time Alabama Baptist blood. Why the
first girl he ever kissed in his life, he kissed at a Sacred Harp singing at a
rural church in Alabama! And at a little Baptist church in Hackleburg, Alabama
in the summer prior to his junior year in high school he responded to a call
to enter the ministry. That memorable inner, mystical experience gave him a
compelling sense of vocation. Though he spent his entire career in academia,
he never forsook that vocation or forgot the Hackleburg experience.
Two books were
formative in his college education. One of these was Thomas Kelly’s A
Testament of Devotion, an inspiring call by a Quaker for a spiritual
centering of human life. The second book helped many collegians of Dr.
Godsey’s era to find a new and sturdier faith. It was Your God is Too Small
by J. B. Phillips. That book stretched Dr. Godsey’s young soul.
Grace is a pivotal
word in the vocabulary of Kirby Godsey. “Grace,” he said, “is God’s first and
last word.” Speaking of the popular hymn, “Amazing Grace,” Godsey has said, “I
find that every time I hear its words, its melody embraces my emotions.” He
learned the melodies of grace, if not the words, on a cotton farm from his
paternal grandmother, Janie Scott. He lights up when talking about her, and he
describes her as “a fortress—a strong beautiful woman who could make any day
a good day.” He spent every summer with her until he was fifteen years old.
Reminiscing about her influence on him, he said, “Day by day and year by year,
I learned of grace through her sensitive and liberal spirit. She didn’t have
any theology to teach me. I learned from her boundless openness, her enduring
patience, and her unfettered compassion. From Janie, I learned that grace is
the power of salvation.”
If as a kid he
learned grace from the unsophisticated, as an adult and a graduate student in
theology, he learned grace from one of the major theologians in America. Nels
F. S.
Ferre, author of the The Sun and the Umbrella, an infamous book for
theological conservatives, became a major influence on Godsey. Ferre was
the subject of Godsey’s doctoral dissertation at New Orleans Seminary. In
typical graduate student fashion, Godsey called it “The Implications of
Ultimate Universal Redemption for Ethics as Reflected in the Writings of Nels
F.S. Ferre.” The concept of agape love lay at the heart of Ferre theology.
While writing his dissertation, Godsey forged a
personal friendship with Ferre. To this day Ferre sits high on the ladder of Godsey’s admiration.
Ferre’s integration of devotion and intellect is
clearly reflected in the life and work of Dr. Godsey.
As a professor, a
dean, and a university president, Dr. Godsey’s life has been bent toward the
intellect. He is thoroughly committed to the role of reason. But he has
trumpeted long and hard to students, faculty, and trustees at Mercer
University the limitations of reason and the necessity of the life of the
You miss an
indispensable part of Kirby Godsey if you overlook his SOUL. One of his three
published books is entitled, significantly I think, Centering Our Souls:
Devotional Reflections of a University President. His first book, When
We Talk about God, Let’s Be Honest, was so controversial and created such
a ruckus that people missed the fact that Dr. Godsey himself called it
“devotional theology.” That book is a theology of the heart as much as it is a
theology of the mind.
Cheers for Janie
Scott, Hackleburg, Alabama, Thomas Kelly, J. B. Phillips, and Nels F.S. Ferre
for shaping the inward parts of R. Kirby Godsey.
To call him
“pietistic” is to go too far; to call him deeply, though unostentatiously,
spiritual is to understand, in my judgment, the essence of the man.
Dr. Godsey, a toast
to your Alabama Baptist soul!
Table Of Contents
September 24-26, St. Simons, Georgia |
Main Presenter
- John Killinger
Featured Speaker - Fisher Humphreys
Music Leader - L.C. Lane
and many other great speakers!
Limited Enrollment. The Consultation
sold out the
past two years.
Hurry and make your reservations! |
The Baptist Soapbox: Invited guests
speak up and out on things Baptist (therefore, the views expressed in this
space are not necessarily those of The Baptist Studies Bulletin, though
sometimes they are).
Climbing upon the Soapbox this month is Dr. R. Kirby
Godsey, to whom this edition of the Baptist Studies Bulletin is dedicated.
The following article by Dr. Godsey is reprinted from the Bulletin's inaugural
issue of January 2002.
Power of the Baptist Idea"
By R. Kirby

Baptists are a denomination in decline. The denomination has become deeply
introverted, suffering from a paralysis of self-indulgence, mired in trivial
disputes, and consumed by impotent political maneuvering. The Baptist
organization, as a matter of fact, has become a corporate giant with large
bureaucratic superstructures featuring tall office towers, staggering operating
budgets, and effective programs of self-promotion. In the environs of such
corporate success, it always becomes increasingly difficult for the gospel not
to become a casualty of a denominational preoccupation with power and success.
In part, because of the accumulation of properties, wealth, and power, the
decline of a denomination is rarely apparent. Denominations lose their spiritual
bearings long before they lose their social or economic footing. Like the Roman
Catholic Church prior to the Reformation when the wealth and power of the Church
was at its height, the call to give was offered as a way of trying to secure
God’s pleasure. Indulgences, by any other name, are still indulgences. The
simplicity of ministry easily becomes subjugated to the task of preserving the
numerical advances of the church or the denomination, coping with inflation and
assuring that employment and financial support are preserved. Economics tend to
In simplest terms, success breeds fear. Success means that there is more success
to defend. More achievements are required and more records must be exceeded in
order to demonstrate denominational potency.
As the sirens of power and success take hold, the focus of ministries often
shifts from the helping ministries, such as healthcare, education, hunger
relief, toward a focus on numerical accountability of dollars raised and souls
saved. The primary goal is more to convert souls than to save lives. The recent
change in the priorities of denominational mission programs signal the shift
from caring to adding converts, even though the gospel embodied in acts of
caring is often more powerful and compelling than the gospel of gaining converts
through abstract evangelism. The evangelism of preaching is less messy than the
evangelism of caring.
We should, perhaps, ask whether this denominational decline can be reversed. In
all candor, probably not. In general, as denominations become more successful,
they become more self-absorbed. Large bureaucracies inevitably face erosion and
decay. The passion for the gospel becomes largely displaced by the passion to
grow the enterprise resulting in an ascendancy of party politics preoccupied
with control.
While the decline of the denomination may not be reversed, the Baptist idea will
certainly live. The Baptist idea is far more powerful than any specific
historical embodiment of that idea. The Baptist idea will live and will flourish
in small groups and in certain congregations. The Baptist idea affirms that no
person, and no organization or church body, stands between the believer and God.
The Baptist denomination, which was begun as a fellowship of folk who were bound
together by the energy of this idea that granted freedom and passion has, quite
naturally, in its own religious evolution become transformed into a giant
intermediate gatekeeper between God and the people, both interpreting the
official beliefs of the church and serving as the official agent of ministry.
Yet, we should find comfort and courage in the realization that no instance of
denominational decline will ever be strong enough to diminish or destroy the
power of the Baptist idea.
Table Of Contents
McAfee Institute for Healthy
McAfee School of Theology,
Center For Baptist Studies and
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Georgia
October 26, 2006 @ Religious Life Center,
Mercer University,
Macon, Georgia
Begins at 9:30 AM, Concludes at 3:30 PM
Featuring: Dr.
Dennis Burton, Workshop Leader
For more information and to
register, contact Dr. Larry McSwain. |
BSB Book Review Special:
BSB presents a review of
Centering Our Souls: Devotional Reflections of a
University President by R. Kirby Godsey (Mercer
University Press, Macon, Georgia, 2005).
Melissa Rogers, Visiting
Professor of Religion and Public Policy at Wake Forest University Divinity
School, is our

Those who have lived through the last few decades of Baptist life know that
there has been and continues to be substantial change and controversy
surrounding many Baptist-affiliated institutions of higher learning. This
environment has wreaked havoc on some of these institutions and not a few
lives. But, as Kirby Godsey’s new volume demonstrates, it is possible for
leaders of religiously-affiliated institutions to be faithful without being
dogmatic, successful without being self-centered, bloodied by denominational
fights but not bitter, and open-minded without being untethered.
A key contribution
Godsey makes in his book, Centering Our Souls: Devotional Reflections of a
University President, is to champion freedom of inquiry in our religious
institutions, particularly those of higher learning. He writes: “Our schools
should never seek to protect people from the canons of truth. If our pursuit
of learning contradicts our view of God, it may be that God is trying to tell
us something.”
Godsey does not
limit his point to the context of higher education, however. He also argues
that we must not check our difficult questions at the door of the church
house. At a time when some religious leaders are handing out color-by-numbers
palettes for our faith journeys, shutting down arguments and silencing
dissent, these statements are welcome.
It is equally
important, however, as Kirby Godsey notes, to recognize that there are limits
to our intellectual pursuits. “Knowledge alone will not bring solace to the
soul or wisdom to the mind,” he says. In one of the most important parts of
the book, President Godsey calls for “pious intelligence” in Christian
education, using a phrase coined by Jesse Mercer in 1822. Godsey explains
that he uses the word “pious” to “signal an understanding of the reverence for
life, to see that a person’s life, indeed the meaning of the world itself,
cannot be fathomed without reference to God.”
Here is the
“center,” Godsey says: strip away the distractions and focus on serving God
and those around us. “Measure your life . . . by how much you love God and
how much you care about other people.” And when we become afraid in this
life, which we will, we must act counter-intuitively. Rather than retreat,
Godsey says, we must “[o]pen [ourselves]” and “risk giving.” He concludes:
“Our option is not to live with or without fear. Our option is to live with
or without courage.” To that I can only say, amen.
Table Of Contents |
Local Church |
Creative Ministries in
the Local Baptist Church:
This series highlights local churches who are
intentionally creative in their approach to ministry. This month's
featured local church ministry emphasis focuses on a variety of creative
ministries in which local churches in Georgia are involved, as compiled
by the Congregational Life Department of Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of
Ministries in Local Baptist Churches in Georgia"
Devita Parnell, Associate Coordinator for
Congregational Life,
and Alysha Keyser, Summer Intern, Congregational Life

CBF of
Georgia receives hundreds of newsletters each week from churches around
the state. These newsletters show that many Georgia churches are
implementing creative practices in education, worship and missions. These
practices challenge every age group, from children to senior adults and vary
from normal, weekly meetings to special events held during the summer months.
At Highland
Hills Baptist Church in Macon, Dr. Jim Dant implements special Sunday night
worship events for the summer. This year’s series is called “Outside These
Walls.” The congregation will only meet one Sunday night a month this summer,
but each meeting will be held in a special location. These vesper services
include a Celtic Communion Service at an Episcopal church, a walk through a
local historic cemetery incorporating prayers for our nation, and a tour of
the Georgia Music Hall of Fame to learn about gospel music and heritage. Other
summer Sunday evening series have included a walking/running “club” around the
church property with outside devotions taking lessons from an athlete’s life
and a series on faith and art with such guests as florists, art historians,
and chalk artists sharing about the integration of faith and art in their lives. At the end of the art series, a church wide art show
was held where church members could display their artistic creations.
popular set of classes being held at many churches is life application
classes. While not really a new idea, churches still have the chance to be
creative with the classes they offer. First Baptist Church of Augusta, for
example, offered a class on retirement planning. Instead of focusing on the
financial aspect of retirement, this class explored the psychological and
emotional transitions, as well as questions about what to do with one’s time
when retired. Wieuca Road Baptist Church in Atlanta has also offered life
application courses, with a wide variety of topics, including taxes, fly
fishing, planting a flower garden and arranging flowers.
Creative ideas can also be found in younger age groups. Several churches have
developed creative alternatives to traditional programs to teach children and
youth about missions. Milledge Avenue Baptist Church in Athens has a youth
program called MAPP stands for Mission and Prayer Partners, while
the .net part of the title is meant to indicate a global focus. Students learn
about global missions, Christianity in other cultures, and also get to
participate in world-wide mission projects. Milledge Avenue also has a
children’s program called L.O.L., which stands for “Living Out Loud!” While
also teaching Bible skills and Baptist Heritage, this program allows children
through 5th grade to work on mission projects.
churches are increasingly focusing on creative ways to be involved in local
community missions. First Baptist Church of Rome sponsors an annual “Hands of
Christ Day!”—a church-wide mission day to do work in the surrounding
community. Projects include working with Habitat for Humanity, assembling
military care packages, landscaping and gardening at local shelters and houses
of elderly congregation members, and distributing water with custom church
labels at local parks or anywhere there are people gathered. “Hands of Christ
Day!” is FBC Rome’s local project similar to a more nationally known event
called Operation Inasmuch (,
which is based on Jesus’ words: “Truly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it
to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me" (Matthew 25:40).
“Missions in Motion” is another adult missions group at First Baptist Church
of Griffin. The individuals regularly participate in activities like working
at the local food pantry, a soup kitchen, and a tutoring program for at-risk
kindergarten and first graders.
If you have
questions about any of the activities in this article, please contact Devita
Parnell at CBF of Georgia by calling 478-742-1191 or by email at
Table Of Contents |
Website Recommendation:
Elevate the Debate
"Elevate the Debate is an active website encouraging citizens
to publish their thoughts and advocacy on public policy in America. We are not
a political nor fundraising organization. We are a small group of concerned
citizens donating our time toward improving America through honest debate. To
submit your article please follow these simple steps: 1. become a member by
completing the member form 2. submit an article via e-mail. Submissions will
be reviewed for appropriateness and then added to the collection of articles
included in this site." |
Bible and Poor
Baptists, the Bible, and the Poor: Charles E. Poole is a Baptist minister with Lifeshare
Community Ministries in Jackson, Mississippi where he delights in
ministering alongside the poor. "Chuck" Poole, a provocative
preacher and servant pastor, served Baptist churches for twenty-five years. Among
the churches he has served are First Baptist Church, Macon, GA, First Baptist
Church, Washington, DC, and Northminster Baptist Church, Jackson, MS.
"Longing to Change The
Church We Love"
By Charles E. Poole

Several years ago when Willie Morris died, President
Bill Clinton wrote, concerning Morris’ Pulitzer Prize-winning writing about
the South, “Willie taught us how to love a place and want to change it at the
same time.”
That sentence lands very
near to the way I feel about the church. I love the church. The church always
has been, and always will be, the institutional center of my life. The best
people I know are the people I have sat with and sung with, wept with and
laughed with, learned from and eaten with in church. The church is where it’s
at. I love the church.
But I also long for the
church to change. Since I’m a Baptist minister writing for a Baptist journal,
I’ll say I long for Baptist churches to change, to somehow be delivered from
our appetite for “newer, nicer and bigger” and learn to be content with what
we have so that we will have more to give, in Jesus’ name, to those whose
needs were most often on the lips of our Lord—the disabled, the outcast, the
Money runs out. To choose
to do more in one area is to be forced to do less in another. It’s just a
fact. What a church says “Yes” to today does determine what they will say “No”
to tomorrow. Yesterday I was in a home where there are six kids, none of whom
had a bed on which to sleep. I see similar situations, though rarely that
extreme, almost everyday. How can that be in the city that is most assuredly
“the buckle on the Bible belt?” There are, I am sure, many reasons;
sociological, economic and educational. But among the reasons children can
live without beds in the shadow of big busy churches is the fact that churches
are busy being big and getting bigger. When does it stop? When does the church
learn to say “enough?” When do Baptist churches, who are known for loving the
Bible, begin to apply the Bible’s “Jesus-words” to their own congregational
decision making? After all, the Bible is the church’s Book before it is ever
any individual’s book, and the church can’t call individuals to embrace gospel
teaching that the church itself has not yet embraced in its own institutional
Back to the beginning, I
love the church. I owe it my Christian life, so I also owe it my time, my
energy and my money. But you really can love something and want to change it
at the same time. When it comes to Baptists, the Bible and those who live in
poverty, we church folk need to change, and, by the grace of God, we are. We
are changing, and we will change more, because we are the church of Jesus
Christ, who, by His Spirit, is helping us become His body on earth. It’s a
slow process, but our Lord will keep nudging us, moving us, changing us until
we become what the Bible has already named us—the body of Christ.
Table Of Contents |
Response To ...
"In Response to . . . Kevin Phillips and Sam Brownback on
By Bruce T. Gourley

This morning I received yet another forwarded email from a Baptist friend
mocking the separation of church and state. Forty years ago one would have
been hard-pressed to find a Baptist in America who did not believe in the
historical Baptist belief in the separation of church and state. In his
latest book,
American Theocracy, Kevin Phillips, former
Republican strategist in the Nixon administration, asserts that the influence
of the Religious Right has transformed the modern Republican Party into the
first religious political party in American history. Earlier this month the
Georgia Baptist Conference Center in Toccoa, Georgia, hosted a
Christian Reconstruction conference in which
featured speaker and Religious Right guru
Gary North told an audience of 600 cheering
Christians that he wants to
democracy in America with theocracy. Indeed, among
religious conservatives in America today there is a popular belief that
religion should overarch and control everything else in public and private
life. This so-called “biblical worldview” invokes images of theocratic
Puritan New England, ironically, an era in which Baptists were severely
persecuted by the “Christian” government.
If the fundamentalist leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention
and their Religious Right allies have their way in subduing politics and
culture to religion, what would America become? Certain movies, such as the
Da Vinci Code, would likely be banned for voicing heretical views.
This has already happened in Pakistan, where the
religious government (Muslim, in this instance) declared “the making of such
movies doesn’t come under the purview of freedom of expression,” a decision
applauded by many Christians in that country. In addition, public education,
viewed as
evil by some Southern Baptists, including
Al Mohler, would be shuttered and the responsibility
for education
handed to churches. Indeed, the foundational
freedoms of the American nation (freedoms of speech, press, religion, assembly
and petition guaranteed by the First Amendment) would likely be discarded in
favor of laws protecting the dominance of the favored religion.
Lest the above scenario sound far-fetched, consider Senator Sam
Brownback (R-Kan). The
favored candidate of the Religious Right in the
upcoming 2008 presidential election, Brownback is committed to
turning America into a theocracy in which religion
replaces politics, the Ten Commandments replace current laws, social programs
(schools, Social Security and welfare) are privatized or discarded, all
abortions are prohibited, sex is a criminal act unless committed within
heterosexual marriage, men lead families and women are limited to bearing and
rearing children. As a reporter who recently interviewed Brownback noted, he
“doesn’t demand that everyone believe his God–only that they bow down
before Him.”
While a theocratic America seems hard to fathom, the increasingly vocal and
influential segment of voters and politicians for whom religion trumps
everything else reveals the precarious nature of longstanding democratic
ideals of freedom and liberty. Most Baptists who support the Brownback agenda
probably do not realize they are betraying their own faith heritage. Many
fundamentalist Christians who adamantly oppose Muslim fundamentalism are
likely blind to the cultural and religious biases they share with their
enemies. In the eyes of true believers, freedom and liberty are privileges
that should be granted only to the theologically correct, and toleration
extended only to those who outwardly obey God’s laws.
Kevin Phillips is right to warn America that a theocracy is bubbling up within
the Republican Party, imperiling the very foundation of our nation. And I
have decided that I will no longer merely hit the delete button when a Baptist
friend sends me yet another forward denying America’s heritage of religious
liberty and separation of church and state. The stakes are too high and the
times too perilous to allow the lies and deception to go unchallenged.
Table Of Contents
Dates to
Dates to Note
June 21-24, 2006, National Cooperative Baptist
Fellowship General Assembly, Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, GA.
For more information, go to
July 12-15, 2006, International Conference on Baptist Studies IV, Acadia
University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada.
The Fourth International
Conference on Baptist Studies will help to mark the centennial celebrations of
the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches. The theme is "Baptists and
Mission," which includes home and foreign missions, evangelism, and social
concern. For
more information, contact Professor D.
W. Bebbington, Department of History, University of Stirling, Stirling FK9
4TB, Scotland, United Kingdom (e-mail:
September 24-26, 2006, The Mercer Preaching
Consultation, St. Simon's Island, GA. Sponsored by the McAfee School of
Theology and The Center for Baptist Studies. Headline speaker: John
Click here for more information.
October 26, 2006, Negotiating Conflict in the
Congregation, Religious Life Center, Mercer University, Macon, GA.
Sponsored by McAfee Institute for
Healthy Congregations, McAfee School of Theology, The Center For Baptist
Studies and Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Georgia. To register, mail
to Dr. Larry McSwain, McAfee School of Theology, 3001 Mercer University Drive,
Atlanta, GA 30341-4115 a check payable to McAfee School of Theology in the
amount of $39 by October 20, 2006. Registration at the door $49.
For a full calendar of Baptist events, visit the
Online Baptist Community Calendar.
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